
June 08, 2017

Campaign Office Opening: Cake, coffee and a crowd ~ April 8

Jeem had little to do with the selection of a campaign office for the candidate. In fact, none of us did in the end. Not even our friend, and lawyer (disbarred) to Jeem y Sherry: B.T. Mendelbaum.

The busy intersection of Cambie and 41st was too good an opportunity to miss, and the candidate had made his decision. The fact that it was also a block away from the Liberal candidate's office might have been a factor too; the "my office is bigger than your office" kind of thing. The street-side visibility was fantastic. Unless you were in the office and then you couldn't see out at all, as the windows were completely covered in an expensive and scenic plastic wrap.

Mendelbaum thought it seemed a bit too much like a political massage parlour inside, but that was their opinion.

The riding association did a traditional campaign office opening: Cake, balloons, notable guests, speeches (with translation provided). We invited the membership, along with some notable guests. The candidate arranged for a multitude of seniors to come by bus. Or so it seemed. "Not that there's anything wrong with that," offered B.T. Mendelbaum.

The crowd was amazing. In fact the crowd showed  up before the candidate arrived, and ate all the food without him getting a morsel.

Jill Marzetti, Campaign Manager

Gordon August with Sherry

Jill Marzetti, from Toronto, was the day's host. She was also our candidate's hardworking, devoted, dedicated and determined Campaign Manager.

The gathering was honoured to have Gordon August, Sechelt Chief, give a welcoming blessing. And Stefan Nielsen introduced our candidate.

Stefan Nielsen

The last piece of cake

Akeena Legall, office staff, & Bruce Ross, long time member

And as quickly as they arrived, the seniors, and everybody else it seemed, climbed back into their buses and headed home. Campaign volunteers, including your faithful scribe, ventured into the neighbourhood for some door knocking. The campaign was underway.

Photos by Jeem. Copyright 2017 by Jim Murray.

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