January 01, 2014

Sunrise over Saguaro National Park

It is cold at night in the desert and when we awoke before dawn on December 30 we saw heavy frost on the car's windscreen and a air temperature of minus two Celsius.

We were not alone as we walked along one of the trails of the Saguaro National Park. Others were walking, some jogging and still others on horseback.

The air was still and cold. To the north and north-west the mountains reflected the first rays of the sun. We were still in the shadow of the Rincon Mountains to the east; the sun not yet above the peaks.

The colours were beautiful, but we were waiting for the sun to warm our faces and hands, and thoughts. When it came, the sun bathed us in its light, and smiles came to all present.

Photos by Jim Murray.
Copyright 2013.

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